There is an interview with me in the new MRR!

This is very exciting! Teenage dreams do come true. Buy it here (for $4.20, no less!) or just buy it at your local record store like a regular person. I haven't seen it yet, but it looks like this issue also has a Neon Piss interview, which is funny because the drummer from Neon Piss is a guy named Greg Harvester who writes a zine called Rice Harvester which I named my zine after as a joke when I thought that only punks would ever read it. Greg also does an awesome punk demos blog called Remote Outposts, where I recently had a sort of guest post talking about an old band of mine. Check all these things out! Right now! DO IT!


Sorry for the radio silence. I've been working on a lot of stuff and I needed to go on sabbatical from thinking about pizza for a bit. but I figured I should drop into the old internet and give my MILLIONS OF LOYAL FAN some news about what the future holds for Slice Harvester.

1. I've got some interviews planned, about pizza and New York City history, that I'll be posting on the blog pretty soon.

2. I'm gonna start doing the Street By Street Block By Block Pizza Storm To Purify in which I return to all the decent pizzerias in each neightborhood and find out if they are still decent and decide definitively which is the best. If you feel like your favorite slice in your neighborhood didn't get a fair shake, now is the time to let me know that I absolutely NEED to check it out again. Comment on this post or send me an email.

3. The penultimate issue of Slice Harvester Quarterly Magazine is almost done and will be officially released on April 15th at the Brooklyn Zine Fest. The folks over there also recently posted a pretty fun interview with me, so maybe read that if you feel like it. And come to the zine fest, hopefully I will be tabling right next to Pegacorn Press, so you can also pick up all of Caroline's awesome new forthcoming releases.

That's all for now, but that's also a lot. Starting in the next week or two I'll probably begin updating again with some frequency. I post weird links and short stuff on my facebook page and on twitter, so if you use those things and you feel like there's not enough Slice Harvester in your life, there's an easy fix.